
I’m an all-around crafter with a practical bent. I like to make useful items, often with fabric. I sew, knit and make jewelry — but sewing is top dog. This blog is largely to keep track of my projects since I can’t seem to do so on paper but hopefully will inspire others to take a chance. I tend to give away a lot of what I make and have photos of only just a few items.

I first was exposed to sewing by my mom, an avid apparel sewer. I have memories of Easter dresses (scratchy lace!). But, when she entered the work-force, my dad stayed home with us and approached sewing as a skill. It was just a skill and tool and we just needed to know how to use it. We sewed car seats, boat covers, and Halloween costumes. That was interspersed with building boats and making volcanos!

I taught myself to quilt and sew most everything else. My mom and dad are great folks for helping me talk through things and figure out a solution. My husband is amazing and helps me customize and adjust every single thing to suit my needs.

I love to just try stuff and will change and adapt patterns as I go. I hope others will to. I think there is way too much following of “the rules” and being afraid of machines and tools. I’ve asked so many “why” questions about the “rules” that I’m probably every traditional sewist worse student.

I joyfully sew on two vintage machines, which made up for nearly a decade of a Husqvarna Viking Sapphire that was a lemon. Husqvarna Viking, now owned by the same parent as Singer and Pfaff, did nothing to help me. My dealer did nothing and 3 independent technicians can’t get it working reliably or with consistent tension. What a shame for such an investment.  That machine sits on a shelf, unloved and unused.

I sew joyfully on two vintage machines: a Necchi BU Mira, my primary machine, and a Viking 21A. The Necchi is like a Ferrari with perfect stitches and unfailing reliability. The Viking 21A is a tank and with its step-down gear makes it a tank.  They both have a native zig-zag stich and do decorative patterns, although I’m not a big user of anything other than a few zig-zag types.  I love these machines and the fact that they will sew anything without a quibble.

The other machines in my life are a Babylock Eclipse Serger loopers and a Juki Miyabi midarm.

I try to adopt Ms. Frizzle’s advice, “Take Chances, Make Mistakes and Get Messy.”